The Future of Project Management – how to increase the probability of project success, starting on Day One of the Project.

Ways of Working


Glen is an experienced program and project manager, with more the 40 years. hands on experience developing and managing complex system of systems in aerospace, defense, enterprise IT, energy, toxic waste site cleanup, petrochemical, and process industries.

Glen’s education includes Physics and Systems Engineering, both led him into project management. Glen has written several Project Management books and is a contributor to journals and newsletters. Glen is a frequent speaker at project management conferences in domains ranging from Risk Management, Earned Value Management, Aerospace and Defense, Cost Management, Government Contracting, Digital Twins, and Root Cause Analysis.

Learner Outcomes:

The attendee will understand how to integrate the 5 Immutable Principles, 5 Practices and 10 Driver of Success contained in the 25 Essential Views to increase the probability of project success, starting with the Principles.

1. What does done look like?

2. What is the plan to reach done?

3. What resources are needed to reach done?

4. What are the impediments to reaching done?

5. How will progress to plan towards done be measured?

The Five Immutable Practices are.

1. Define the needed capabilities.

2. Define the technical and operational requirements needed to implement those capabilities.

3. Establish a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) for performing the work that implements the requirements.

4. Execute the Performance Measurement Baseline.

5. Perform Continuous Risk Management (CRM) on everything you do on the project.

With the Five Principles and Practices in place, Ten Drivers of project success are needed to manage the business processes of the project.

1. Capabilities drive requirements.

2. Requirements are defined in work packages.

3. Work Package produce deliverables.

4. The Performance Measurement Baseline or Product Roadmap describes the work sequence.

5. Measures of Physical Percent Complete define Done for each Work Package.

6. Work Authorization assures proper delivery of Value.

7. Produced and Measureable Value defines progress.

8. All measures are adjusted for technical performance compliance.

9. Fulfilled requirements produced delivered Capabilities.

10. Past Performance is a Forecast of Future Performance.

Each of the Principles, Practices, and Drivers operate in the presence of uncertainty that creates risks – reducible risk from Epistemic uncertainty and irreducible risk from Aleatory uncertainty, which must be Handled risk buydown activities or margin.

These three sets of guidance address H. L. Mencken’s timely advice “For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” We must apply the principles, practices, and processes to increase the probability of project success.

The principles, practices, and drivers are applicable in any project domain and context, and any project management method or development method from traditional to agile.

The Single beneficial takeaway from this briefing is:

· How to clearly define the purpose of the project; that is, how to have clarity of purpose,

· How to construct the artifacts, or elements, that represent that clarity, and

· How to measure the performance of the technical outcomes from the work on the project performed by the people

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Member Meeting (CMM)

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: October 10th, 2023

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

Registration close date: October 10th, 2023 at 5:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: $5.00

Members $5.00

Non members and Guests: $15.00


Virtual via zoom