October Chapter Member Meeting- Energy Leadership
Topic: Energy Leadership
How do you show up as a leader? Are people inspired by you or drained? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day or do you feel energized? Everyone is a leader, either by choice or by default. At any given time, we are leading ourselves and influencing those around us. Your outlook, how you view yourself and the world around you directly impacts how you show up in every minute of every day, as well as your overall satisfaction in all facets of life. Learn how to choose your outlook, your attitude, your energy to drive more fulfillment and optimized performance both at work and at home.
Learner Outcomes:
1. Understand the 2 basic types of energy contained within all of us.
2. Grasp the 7 levels, or perspectives, of Core Energy.
3. Recognize your role in influencing others, at work and at home.
4. Reflect - how are you different as a leader under stress versus not under stress?
5. Reflect - to what degree do you own your thoughts, feelings and actions/behaviors?
6. Reflect - where do you tend to dwell energetically? Power Skills
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