Risk Management Workshop

Risk Management Workshop v2

Speaker: Lyn Heaton

Topic:   Risk Management

Presentation Title: Playing the Risk Game

Date of Presentation: 04/01/2023, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Central Time,  with a 1-hour lunch


Lyn Heaton has been active in the Project Management field for more than 30 years, both as a Project Manager and an educator.  She has provided project management training to various corporations, the U.S. Army, and University of Missouri at Kansas City. 

Lyn worked for 19+ years in the Telecommunications industry at Sprint Nextel.  During that time she worked on many of their multi-million dollar projects.  She is also an active member of the Kansas City Chapter of PMI, previously serving on their board of directors as the VP of Professional Development. She has helped to teach or facilitate PMP Prep training for the chapter since 2007. Lyn received her PMP in 2001 and holds a Master’s Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University.


Short Description:

Risk management is a key component of a successful project.  Learn or review risk processes by playing a risk game that uses mock projects to practice risk tools and techniques associated with both traditional and Agile projects.


How well do you play the Risk Game with your projects?

Every project has elements of risk within it, dealing with those risks is so much more than just a simple plan.  This workshop will cover all recommended risk processes for every kind of project no matter what industry or project approach is taken (Tradition or Agile).  The following will be covered:  determining how to deal with risks (the plan), then identifying, analyzing, and planning what to do if the risk does occur, as well as implementing individual risk plans and continuous monitoring of project risks.   Participants will learn about each risk process, then do activities with a mock project to practice the risk tools and techniques associated with the process. 

Learner Outcomes: 

·         Recognize and understand risk types

·         Determine how to the plan risk management (The Risk Game strategy)

·         Identify risk sources and document specific risks

·         Analyze and prioritize risks

·         Create a plan for individual risks if they do occur

·         Monitor project risks and implement risk responses as needed

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Workshop

Type of activity:

Date: April 1st, 2023

Hour: 8:00AM to 3:00PM

Registration close date: March 30th, 2023 at 12:00AM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $85.00

Members $85.00

Non members and Guests: $85.00


St Mary University