December CMM- Trust Breakers vs Trust Makers on Projects

Business Acumen

In this workshop, participants will identify primary causes of broken trust they have observed – or been a part of – on project teams during their careers. A three-step process for addressing trust violations will be presented and applied to real-life situations on project teams or other types of teams. Then the four core behaviors that demonstrate trustworthiness will be identified and discussed: 1) Communicating with honesty and transparency, 2) Listening more than one speaks, 3) Showing appreciation for the contributions of others, and 4) Soliciting and acting on feedback from others.


Learner Outcomes:

1. Which words and behaviors most commonly trigger distrust in personal and professional relationships.

2. What steps to take to repair trust breeches.

3. A three-step model for rebuilding trust when you think it may be broken.





Jeannette Terry is an accomplished human capital management consultant with a 30-year track record consulting for capital projects around the globe. She’s an expert in building sustainable project organizational capability to attract top talent and achieve desired business results.

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Member Meeting (CMM)

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: December 11th, 2023

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

Registration close date: December 11th, 2023 at 4:30PM

# of PDUs: 1


Members Free

Non members and Guests: $5.00

